Saturday, September 18, 2010

[Pagan News] Patrick McCollum receives interfaith advancement award

For immediate release

On Tuesday, September 14, 2010, Wiccan minister Rev Patrick McCollum
...received the Mahatma Ghandi Award for the Advancement of Religious Pluralism
from the Hindu American Foundation (HAF). The award was presented during
the seventh annual Capitol Hill reception sponsored by HAF. This year's
reception was held in the Gold Room of the US Congress Rayburn Building.

Patrick was one of four award recipients. Neal Katyal, Acting Solicitor
General of the United States received the Pride of Community Award.
Community activist Vishal Agarwal received the Dharma Seva Award. US
Congressman Edward R. Royce (Republican, Orange, California) received the
Friend of the Community Award.

"Patrick is not only the first Pagan to receive this award, but the first
Pagan to receive an international interfaith advancement award. This is an
important milestone in Pagan interfaith relations," said Rev. Selena Fox,
Senior Minister, Circle Sanctuary. "I am glad that Patrick and his work to
build bridges of understanding and collaboration among those of many faiths
was honored."

In his remarks upon receiving the award, Patrick expressed appreciation for
this recognition, and also spoke about the importance of respecting
diversity and sacredness of human beings. "We are all part of the human
family and we must learn to respect each other and live in harmony."

About 150 attended the reception, including Hindu American Foundation
members, Americans United for Separation of Church and State staff, and
several US Congressmen and Congressional staffers. Also among those
attending this interfaith reception were Pagans from the Patrick McCollum
Foundation, the Lady Liberty League, Cherry Hill Seminary, and Circle

A couple photos from the reception are online: http://tiny/. cc/gxqkt

Patrick's international interfaith work also will be honored during the Lady
Liberty League 25th Anniversary Reception taking place in Washington, DC on
Wednesday, September 15, from 7-9 pm EDT. Selena, Patrick, and a variety of
Pagan and interfaith leaders will be speaking. Reception is free and open
to the public. More details are on-line:
http://www.circlesa/ liberty/3Sep10Ci rcleTimes. htm. A video of
the reception will be streamed live on the internet - tune in!

Pagan News Media: Wednesday, September 15, 2010See More

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