Sunday, May 21, 2006


Two Pagan elders, writers, and artists from California need yourhelp-- Morning Glory and Oberon Ravenhart Zell of Mythic Images, ChurchofAll Worlds, and Grey School of Wizardry.Please send healing to Morning Glory Zell, who is in the hospitalbeingtreated for bone cancer in her spine that was diagnosed this week.Please send support to her life partner Oberon Zell who is by herside.Remember them in your meditations, prayers, and rituals.Well wishes also can be sent to them through email: circumstances are such that they are not able to replyindividually to emails they receive, they thank you in advance foryourhealing, support, and well wishes.Please pass the word on to others you know who are willing to join insending healing and support.
Thank you.
Selena Fox
Circle SanctuaryHealing Circle: Thursday, May 11, 2006

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