Monday, November 12, 2007

Update on Deborah Ann Light

Update on Deborah Ann Light -- More Healing Urgently Needed

A short while ago, I spoke with Jeri Baldwin, Deborah Ann Light's
partner.Jeri, who continues to be at the hospital with Deborah, very much
appreciates all the emails and other support she and Deborah have
been receiving from the Healing Circle. Jeri has email access at the

Even more spiritual healing is needed. Deborah's condition took a
turn for the worse during the night and now she is in the intensive care unit
at the hospital in Florida where she has been for the past week.

Although Deborah has undergone many tests, the medical staff still
has not been able to determine the cause of her condition and have not yet
found a way to stabilize her blood pressure.

Please continue to do healing work on Deborah's behalf and encourage
others to do so.

And also send support and emails to Jeri:

Visualize Deborah surrounded by a beautiful green light of healing
that will stabilize her blood pressure and return her to wellness -- Deborah is
pictured to my right in the Pagan Delegates to the Assembly photo
included with this article:
Thank you!

Selena Fox

Healing Circle: Thursday, November 8, 2007

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